Cuba Now Has A New Marine Protected Area Known As The Este del Archipiélago de Los Colorados

Turtles, manatees & groupers – all these  sea creatures can now exist without any disturbance  in a new area of Cuba designated as M P A or Marine Protected Area. The new marine protected area off the country’s northwestern coast is known as the Este del Archipiélago de Los Colorados. The new MPA spans 728 sq Kms(281 sq miles).It will provide protection to a number of species-turtles, manatees  & reef fish like snappers & groupers. The MPA is established with the support of fishing community since the Protected Area helps to replenish fish stocks. The MPA covers 28.5% of Cuba’s marine continental … Continue reading Cuba Now Has A New Marine Protected Area Known As The Este del Archipiélago de Los Colorados