Conserving Bluefin Tunas, Sea Turtles, From Fishing Industry- ICCAT, New Measures

The ICCAT is an intergovernmental organization responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and other species in the Atlantic ocean and adjacent seas. The European Union and the 47 contracting parties of ICCAT held a meeting on 21st of November, 2022. After 8 days of negotiations, it was finally concluded that they would adopt a new management plan. The Bluefin tuna, Mako shark, and marine turtles will be the focus of the management plan’s attention. To design a new management technique, extensive study, in-depth analysis, modeling, and testing were carried out. It is noted that the management is now … Continue reading Conserving Bluefin Tunas, Sea Turtles, From Fishing Industry- ICCAT, New Measures