The Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is a rare green comet that has been spotted in the night sky for the first time in 50,000 years and is considered as a rare celestial
Burning Mountain, A.K.A Mount Wingen, is a geological marvel located in New South Wales, Australia. It is considered to be the longest burning fire in the world. Approximately, it has been ablaze for over 6,000 years. We will explore the
China is digging a 10,000-meter (32,808 feet) hole into the Earth’s crust. The groundbreaking project aims to test drilling technology and gain a deeper
The aftermath of Reading and Leeds Festival 2021 is literally trashy. Festival-goers leave the venue completely trashed, and this behavior is repetitive at every Reading festival and many others in the UK.
2021 saw floods like never before. More than 35 countries across the world encountered floods at the same time, with over 900 fatalities within a month. Floods are the costliest natural disaster.
Microplastics are extremely small pieces of plastic debris less than 5 millimeters long in the environment.These microplastics are difficult to dispose of properly because of their size. And they are harmful to