Beyond Plastics Raises Alarm On The Toxicity Of Pvc And Cpvc Pipes, Calling For A Nationwide Ban

Beyond Plastics, a non-profit organization, is pursuing the end of plastic pollution through campaigns against the use of PVC to replace lead water pipes. A 56-page report was released by the group on April 18, highlighting the human health risks associated with PVC and recommending avoidance of its use as well as CPVC for water pipes. According to Judith Enck, president of Beyond Plastics and former EPA regional administrator, roughly 30–60 different toxic chemicals released by PVC and CPVC pipes and their fittings have been documented by independent researchers. Given the potential health consequences, the report raises concerns about the … Continue reading Beyond Plastics Raises Alarm On The Toxicity Of Pvc And Cpvc Pipes, Calling For A Nationwide Ban