Bear Break-ins to Harmony: The Lake Tahoe Bear Drama and Quest for Coexistence

In the beautiful expanse of South Lake Tahoe, California, wildlife encounters are a common element of the region’s charm. Yet, for the past year, the serene community has been rattled by the antics of a particular bear family, led by a 500-pound mother bear named “64F” by authorities. This robust matriarch, known affectionately as “Hank the Tank” by the locals, has gained a notoriety beyond typical bear shenanigans. Accompanied by her trio of roguish cubs, 64F and her family have become a minor sensation due to their audacious home break-ins, leaving their DNA signature at 21 properties. A daunting challenge … Continue reading Bear Break-ins to Harmony: The Lake Tahoe Bear Drama and Quest for Coexistence