Amur Tigers Roam Kazakhstan Again After 70 Years, Breeding Plans Set for Future Wild PopulationsUpto 50 by 2035

A pair of Amur tigers, Bodhana and Kuma, who were captive at the Anna Paulowna Sanctuary (Netherlands), have been transferred to the Ile-Balkhash Nature Reserve (Kazakhstan) as part of the reintroduction of the species in the area, where they have been extinct for over 70 years due to hunting, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). This transfer is part of a program led by the Government of Kazakhstan, with the support of WWF and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to restore the Ile-Balkhash delta ecosystem and reintroduce tigers in the country and the region. Both the … Continue reading Amur Tigers Roam Kazakhstan Again After 70 Years, Breeding Plans Set for Future Wild PopulationsUpto 50 by 2035