AI Targets Malaria in Africa: Will Smart Traps Curb Africa’s Rising Mosquito Threat?

Malaria and other mosquito-related diseases have a long history of being some of the most dangerous in the world. The symptoms can be life-threatening for infants, pregnant women, travellers, and people with HIV and AIDS. The symptoms include difficulty in breathing, jaundice, dark blood urine, and impaired consciousness and more. Five different parasite species use mosquitoes as hosts, with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax representing the biggest threats. Malaria is a pressing public health issue, but it is not very evident in North America or Europe yet. Currently, almost half of the world’s population—the majority of whom reside in sub-Saharan … Continue reading AI Targets Malaria in Africa: Will Smart Traps Curb Africa’s Rising Mosquito Threat?