Agricultural Armageddon: Battling the Devastating Spread of Spotted Lanternflies in the United States

The spread of spotted lanternflies in the United States has become a concerning issue. These invasive insects, originally from Asia, have been wreaking havoc on crops and trees in multiple states, including Pennsylvania. In response to the growing infestation, several states have issued kill-on-sight orders to help control the lanternfly population. Spotted lanternflies, scientifically known as Lycorma delicatula, are planthoppers native to China, India, and Vietnam. They are known for their colorful wing patterns but are considered major pests due to their feeding habits. These insects consume various plants like grapes, apples, hops, and hardwood trees. Their feeding causes damage … Continue reading Agricultural Armageddon: Battling the Devastating Spread of Spotted Lanternflies in the United States