By Rahul Somvanshi

Softbank’s AI SoftVoice to Transform Call Center Experiences in 2025

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SoftVoice, the newest artificial intelligence invention from Softbank, promises to transform contact centre interactions by instantly altering the voices of irate consumers.

With the use of this state-of-the-art technology, irate callers' voices become less irritating or frightening to staff members.

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To reduce the workload on contact centre employees, SoftVoice modifies pitch and tone rather than changing the words that clients say.

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Developers compare the impact to lowering tension and anxiety by turning a harsh, furious voice into something more like a high-pitched cartoon character.

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The strength of SoftVoice may be imagined as if Samuel L. Jackson's powerful voice were adjusted to resemble Bugs Bunny's soft tone.

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SoftVoice, which is slated to launch in 2025, seeks to address "kasu-hara," a word for consumer harassment that afflicts Japan's service industry.

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The AI programme identifies chronic abuse and not only alters aggressive tones but also sends out an automatic service termination notice.

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SoftVoice aims to raise the emotional intelligence of customer support representatives through the use of AI.

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Future applications of this technology might modulate conversational tones and even change word selections, among other fascinating possibilities.

Photo Source: Google