Israel’s Jaffa Port Harnesses the Sea, Unlocking Eco Wave Power’s Innovative Energy System

August 18, 2023
3 mins read

Eco Wave Power Global AB, a leading onshore wave energy developer, has achieved a significant milestone by connecting its EWP-EDF One station at the historic Port of Jaffa in Tel Aviv to Israel’s national electrical grid. This groundbreaking initiative marks the first time wave energy has been integrated into Israel’s power supply. “We are witnessing sustainable wave energy becoming a tangible reality at the Port of Jaffa,” expressed Inna Braverman, Founder and CEO of Eco Wave Power. Braverman extended her gratitude to the collaborative efforts of the EDF Renewables IL team, Israeli Energy Ministry, the Atarim Group, and her dedicated team at Eco Wave Power.

The EWP-EDF One project, co-funded by EDF Renewables IL and the Israeli Energy Ministry, is now set to undergo full system calibration. A ceremonial “plugging in” event and demonstration are anticipated in the upcoming months to celebrate this innovative achievement. The Israeli Energy Ministry has lauded the Eco Wave Power technology, dubbing it a “pioneering technology.” With an installed capacity of 100 KW, the EWP-EDF One power station can generate enough energy to power around 100 homes at its peak efficiency.

The wave energy system at the Port of Jaffa features ten floaters, strategically positioned along the port’s pre-existing breakwater. Each of these floaters is directly linked to Eco Wave Power’s unique land-based energy conversion unit, ensuring ease of operational maintenance and potential upgrades. Eco Wave Power’s innovative approach leverages pre-existing structures, underscoring its commitment to sustainable and adaptable clean energy solutions. The company’s adaptability is further highlighted by its operations at the Port of Jaffa, one of the world’s most ancient ports. Another testament to its versatility is the upcoming pilot station at the Port of Los Angeles, a bustling hub for international trade in the Western Hemisphere.

Beyond its energy contributions, the EWP-EDF One power station will also function as a public education center. The European Union has awarded Eco Wave Power the GREENinMED grant, which will facilitate the development of a unique educational experience at the Port of Jaffa station. Eco Wave Power, headquartered in Sweden, has successfully integrated its inaugural wave energy station with the electricity grid in Israel. The EWP-EDF One project boasts a power-generating capacity of 100kW, translating to sufficient energy for 100 households during optimal performance.

The project’s next phase involves comprehensive system calibration, culminating in a formal “plug-in” and demonstration slated for the latter half of 2023. Collaborating closely with EDF Renewables’ Israeli subsidiary and the Israeli Energy Ministry, Eco Wave Power has transformed its vision into a renewable energy source for Israel. “This is merely the beginning for wave energy, and we’re eager for this station to pave the way for numerous global projects,” Braverman stated. The wave energy system’s design incorporates ten floaters, seamlessly integrated with the port’s existing breakwater. Emphasizing the company’s sustainable ethos, Eco Wave Power has demonstrated its capability to construct clean energy projects in virtually any location.

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The forthcoming project at the Port of Los Angeles, one of the globe’s busiest seaports, further showcases the company’s adaptability. In July 2023, Eco Wave Power secured the prestigious GREENinMED grant from the EU, under the European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross-Border Co-operation Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. The company’s strategic use of the port’s existing infrastructure exemplifies its dedication to sustainable clean energy development. Eco Wave Power’s vision extends beyond energy generation, aiming to educate the public about sustainable energy solutions.

The Port of Jaffa’s wave energy system is a testament to the potential of harnessing natural resources for clean energy. “Our team’s relentless efforts have transformed a mere idea into a renewable energy source for Israel,” Braverman emphasized. The collaboration between Eco Wave Power and its partners signifies a united front in the pursuit of sustainable energy solutions. The EWP-EDF One project is a beacon of innovation, setting the stage for future wave energy endeavors. As global attention shifts towards renewable energy, projects like EWP-EDF One highlight the untapped potential of wave energy. With its recent achievements, Eco Wave Power positions itself at the forefront of the wave energy revolution. The company’s endeavors in Israel serve as a blueprint for its future global projects. “Our mission transcends energy generation; we aim to inspire and educate,” Braverman added. The fusion of ancient ports like Jaffa with modern wave energy technology symbolizes the harmonious blend of history and innovation. As Eco Wave Power continues its global expansion, the world watches with anticipation, recognizing the dawn of a new era in wave energy.

Rahul Somvanshi

Rahul, possessing a profound background in the creative industry, illuminates the unspoken, often confronting revelations and unpleasant subjects, navigating their complexities with a discerning eye. He perpetually questions, explores, and unveils the multifaceted impacts of change and transformation in our global landscape. As an experienced filmmaker and writer, he intricately delves into the realms of sustainability, design, flora and fauna, health, science and technology, mobility, and space, ceaselessly investigating the practical applications and transformative potentials of burgeoning developments.

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