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Epic Games Founder Tim Sweeney Opposes AI and TikTok Bans

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Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney shared his views on the ongoing debate surrounding the popular debate about banning AI and TikTok on Twitter.

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Sweeney believes that "banning stuff" takes away freedom and we should "ban banning stuff" instead.

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Recently, Italy became the first European country to ban OpenAI's chatGPT, citing privacy concerns.

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The US government is considering banning TikTok in the country.

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An intense debate among netizens and tech experts has been sparked after an open letter demanding a pause on more powerful AI systems than OpenAI's GPT-4 surfaced earlier.

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Tech wizards like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak have signed the letter, with Musk drawing a parallel between AI and aeroplane crashes.

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Gates, who has been favoring OpenAI's chatGPT, stated that pausing AI development would not solve the challenges ahead.

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Gates, who has been favoring OpenAI's chatGPT, stated that pausing AI development would not solve the challenges ahead.

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The debate surrounding AI bans continues to be an important topic among tech experts and the public.

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