Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj: Identity of Maharashtra (19 February,1630 – 03 April,1680) While celebrating the 392nd birthday of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, do we follow his Environmental Mandate when we undertake any new project that requires ecological clearance?
The wood for the Navy is to be procured. The teakwood can be cut only with the permission of the concerned authority. Anything else required may be from abroad. Mangoes and pineapple trees in Maharashtra are also useful for the Navy, but they should not be disturbed, because those trees cannot be grown In a year or two. The people have nurtured those trees as children for a long time. If we cut these trees , the people will be ruined. Any work done at the cost of the public leads to disaster. These are the interpretations form Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s environmental mandate suggests.

Actually the King, who has to look after the welfare of the people, is responsible for any act that troubles his citizens. There is also a loss due to lack of such trees. So such a thing should never happen. If a tree, grown old & of no use can be procured with the consent of the owner by giving him its due price. Though the above order given by Shivaji Maharaj was related to his Navy , its motive applied to the environment in all its aspects.
Dr Girish P JAkhotia, in his book,”Chhatrapati Shivaji & 21st Century”, rightly observes that the above order is relevant even today as the Govt ,elected by the people, has to work for the welfare of the common man. The far – sighted Chhatrapati had rightly advised his officials to protect the trees as they are very essential for our survival. Today, when we face a pandemic, the Great Maratha’s environmental mandate is very much applicable as we have to save the flora & fauna for sustainable development.

We know that Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was a Sanskrit scholar, but now an abhang written by Shivaji Maharaj is found in the famous Saraswati Mahal Library, Thanjavur, T N. This Marathi poem , written in Abhang meter ,is quoted in his weekly column – Sagun Nirgun, Maharashtra Times dated 17 February, 2022, by Sadgurudas Maharaj thus: Nasivant Sukhasathi, Antarala, Nahi nahi yate Jodi, Manusha Janma gelyavare, Kay karashil ba re, Shivraje Sanger Jana,may to sodili vasana. It means that we go away from God as we hanker after perishable happiness, there is no gain as we go through a chain of births & deaths,what will you do after human life?
Shivaji Maharaj tells the people that he has given up all the longings. His poem shows that the Maharaj loved Marathi & he had become detached in his later life. Let us try to bring in the rule of the people- Rayateche Rajya as envisaged by Janata Raj meaning a wise ruler!