NASA is experiencing trouble with its Interstellar Boundary Explorer  (IBEX) and Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) missions due to  technical glitches . 

 IBEX was launched in 2008 and orbits Earth to find energetic neutral  atoms and study the edges of the Solar System.  

 NASA has not been able to regain communications with IBEX after  resetting its systems multiple times. 

 IBEX is deployed with a hexagonal array of solar panels and double  large aperture imagers to capture energetic neutral atoms. 

 IBEX discovered a giant ribbon stretching across the Sun's  heliosphere in 2009 which questioned previous assumptions about the  outer heliosphere. 

 NASA is also trying to fix the Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn)  which is deployed on the SWOT satellite, which went offline shortly  after launch. 

 The KaRIn instrument is made to measure water surface heights but  one of its amplifier subsystems abruptly shut down. 

 The Space agencies are working together to solve the glitches on the  KaRIn instrument and ensure data accuracy for SWOT's scientific  operations by July 2023. 

Despite  many setbacks, NASA is committed to its mission and continues to  explore and study the farthest edges of our Solar System and Earth's  oceans.