Texas, Kentucky Push to End Daylight Saving Time

Karmactive Staff

Most Americans change their clocks twice a year, but Texas and Kentucky might soon stop this practice as the lawmakers suggest it affects people’s health.

Photo Source: Cats Coming (Pexels)

There are two sides to the argument as Senator Judith Zaffirini wants Texas to keep standard time all year which means winter-style time would stay year-round.

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Representative Will Metcalf wants to keep summer-style time, called daylight saving time, all year, as right now, federal law only allows states to choose standard time.

Photo Source: Krivec Ales (Pexels)

Studies from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health confirm more traffic accidents happen and heart attack risks increase by 24% on the Monday after spring time change.

Photo Source: Artyom Kulakov (Pexels)

The changes affect everyone's daily routine, particularly affecting children and elderly people, as noted by Dr. Earnest from Texas A&M.

Photo Source: Mikhail Nilov (Pexels)

Most Americans want to stop changing clocks: a recent survey shows only 25% want to keep things as they are and the rest want to pick one time and stick with it.

Photo Source: Energepic.com (Pexels)

The economic effects are significant as the Department of Transportation's studies found that time changes affect transportation schedules, energy usage, and commerce

Photo Source: QFamily (CC BY 2.0)

Erik Herzog and The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says it better matches our natural sleep-wake cycles and that permanent standard time is better for human health.

Photo Source: Cottonbro studio (Pexels)