Adults diagnosed with ADHD might live several years less than others, according to new research from University College London. The study looked at health records of 30,000 adults with ADHD in the UK. The results show men with ADHD might live 4.5 to 9 years less than those without it. For women, the difference is even larger – 6.5 to 11 years less.
These numbers come from the first major study to track how long people with ADHD live compared to others. The research team matched each person who had ADHD with 10 people of the same age and gender who didn’t have ADHD. They looked at records from 2000 to 2019.
Professor Josh Stott, who led the study at UCL, puts it clearly: “It’s deeply concerning that some adults with diagnosed ADHD are living shorter lives than they should.” He points out that while people with ADHD can do well with proper help, many don’t get the support they need.
The research found a bigger problem – most adults who have ADHD don’t know it. Only about one in nine adults with ADHD has been diagnosed, leaving many without access to the support and resources to make their lives better.
Why does ADHD affect how long people live? The answer isn’t simple. People with ADHD often face several challenges. They might struggle with depression or anxiety. Some find it harder to stick to regular health routines or might take more risks.
“Think of ADHD like diabetes,” says Russell Barkley, a clinical psychology expert. “You need to manage it throughout your life, just like you would manage high blood pressure or high cholesterol.” This comparison helps explain why ongoing care is so important.
The healthcare system itself can be a part of the problem. Doctor appointments often require careful time management along with focusing on details – exactly the things many people with ADHD find challenging. Past research shows that when people with ADHD ask for mental health help, they’re more likely to face roadblocks. About 8% of people with ADHD traits couldn’t get the mental health care they requested, compared to just 1% of others.
Early experiences can have lasting effects. Professor Stott explains how being constantly told to “sit still” or “stop being naughty” as a child can harm someone’s chances in life. These negative experiences add up over time and can affect everything from education to job opportunities.
The good news is that proper treatment makes a real difference. Treatment and support for ADHD is associated with better outcomes, such as reduced mental health problems and substance use. However, the UK currently lacks enough specialized services for adults with ADHD.
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Stephen Hinshaw, a psychology professor studying ADHD, calls this research “a major finding.” He says the next step is finding out exactly what leads to shorter lives so doctors can prevent these problems. This might mean focusing on better mental health care, helping people develop healthier habits, or both.
The research team notes that their findings might actually show worse numbers than reality. Since so few adults get diagnosed with ADHD, those who do get diagnosed might have more serious symptoms or other health problems. But this doesn’t make the findings less important – it shows how crucial it is to identify and help people with ADHD earlier.
The message is clear: ADHD needs lifelong care and support. As doctors get better at spotting ADHD in different groups – including women and people of color who often got overlooked before – healthcare systems need to improve how they help everyone with ADHD. This isn’t just about living longer – it’s about helping people with ADHD live better, healthier lives.