FDA's Nicotine Limits May Cut Smoking to 1.4% but Spark $80B Black Market

Tejal Somvanshi

FDA's latest regulatory proposal aims to drastically reduce nicotine levels in cigarettes currently available in US markets.

Photo Source: Uitbundig  (Pexels)

Biden administration's tobacco control measure cleared Office of Management and Budget review on January 3rd, advancing toward implementation.

Photo Source: Johannes Plenio (Pexels)

Former ATF assistant director warns reduced-nicotine mandate could spark $80 billion black market controlled by international crime syndicates.

Photo Source: Lil Artsy (Pexels)

Studies project smoking rates could plummet to 1.4% by 2100 if strict nicotine limitations are enforced on tobacco products.

Photo Source: Ravi Sharma (Pexels)

Tax Foundation predicts $33 billion annual revenue loss if nicotine reduction leads to 90% decrease in legal cigarette sales.

Photo Source: Jakub Zerdzicki (Pexels)

Currently, only one product - VLN King cigarettes - meets proposed ultra-low nicotine requirements for legal sales.

Photo Source: Thgusstavo Santana (Pexels)

Economic analysis reveals potential loss of 154,000 jobs and $30.6 billion yearly impact on national economy from regulation.

Photo Source: Ümmü Gülsüm Ergin  (Pexels)

Illicit cigarette trade already dominates certain states - 54% of New York's cigarettes entered through smuggling channels in 2022.

Photo Source: Cottonbro Studio (Pexels)

Trump indicated support for the vaping industry during his campaign last year.

Photo Source: Cottonbro Studio (Pexels)

Health experts emphasize smoking-related illnesses continue to cause deaths daily while regulatory decisions remain pending.

Photo Source: Skylar Kang  (Pexels)