Illegal Lynx Release in Cairngorms Sparks RZSS Quarantine Action

Rahul Somvanshi

Police alerted after two lynxes appeared in Cairngorms National Park through suspected illegal release.

Photo Source: Keith Williams (CC BY 2.0)

Royal Zoological Society experts captured the lynxes overnight using baited traps and trail cameras.

Photo source: Diego Delso (CC BY-SA 4.0)

These lynxes must spend 30 days in quarantine at Edinburgh Zoo before potential transfer to Highland Wildlife Park.

Photo Source: Art G (CC BY 2.0)

Lynx disappeared from Britain between 500 to 1,000 years ago due to hunting and habitat loss

Photo Soure: Gabriele Brancati (Pexels)

Adult lynxes measure 55-75cm at shoulder height, equipped with webbed paws perfect for hunting in snowy conditions.

Photo Source: Bharath Kumar Venkatesh (Pexels)

RZSS officials named the captured pair 'The KillieHuntly Two' while condemning their reckless abandonment.

Photo Source: Lefteris Katsouromallis (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Three-charity partnership Lynx to Scotland aims for authorized reintroduction while opposing unauthorized releases.

Photo Source: Tambako the Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Switch and Neon, resident Northern Lynxes at Highland Wildlife Park, share no connection with the captured pair.

Photo Source: Animal People Fouram (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Police Scotland continues investigating the illegal release while seeking information from the public.

Photo Source: Sali Ajeti (Pexels)