33 Darwin’s Froglets Born at London Zoo After 7,000-Mile Rescue to Save Them from Fungal Extinction Threat

In a remarkable conservation effort, 33 tiny Darwin’s froglets have been born at London Zoo following an urgent rescue mission from Chile. The births mark a crucial step in saving this unique species from extinction, threatened by a deadly fungal disease in their native habitat. The rescue operation began in October 2024 when conservationists discovered that the lethal chytrid fungus had invaded the frogs’ home in Tantauco Park Nature Reserve, Chile. The fungus had already caused a devastating 90% decline in monitored frog populations within just one year. “We realized the situation was really, really bad,” said Dr. Andrés Valenzuela-Sánchez, … Continue reading 33 Darwin’s Froglets Born at London Zoo After 7,000-Mile Rescue to Save Them from Fungal Extinction Threat